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Diversity and inclusion survey templates

“You can’t change what you don’t measure. While a growing number of organizations have committed to analyzing and addressing diversity, there’s a common misconception that inclusion can’t be measured. It can.”

Joelle Emerson, CEO of inclusion-focused firm Paradigm

Diversity and Inclusion surveys help you:

  • Recognize and address situations that are making your employees uncomfortable
  • Identify opportunities for better employee engagement
  • Learn how to appeal to a more diverse set of job candidates
  • Tailor your learning and development programs to employee interests
  • Prompt a conversation about what your employees need in order to grow
  • Benchmark your success building diversity and inclusion over time

Diversity and inclusion are multidimensional. We’ve created a list of specialized templates to help you drill into the areas most relevant to your business.

Diversity is connected to better business performance and healthier workplaces. This survey gives you the key demographics that you should be tracking. Do you have good representation of Black employees? Veterans? People with disabilities? Tracking diversity gives you the data you need to make strategic decisions and helps you support underrepresented groups in your current workplace.

Our belonging and inclusion survey template is our flagship D&I survey—a comprehensive barometer of company culture—and the first one that we recommend every organization takes. We worked with Paradigm, a firm that specializes in building inclusive company cultures, to identify the key components of healthy, supportive workplace.

The survey covers 3 key areas of study: objectivity (whether employees believe that they’re treated fairly), belonging (whether employees feel truly welcome), and Growth Mindset (whether employees believe they’re given the chance to grow.) The questions, based on research from Stanford professors, are designed to give you direct, actionable insights about your culture.

Establishing a sense of belonging for all employees is a critical part of building a diverse workforce. For diversity to be truly successful, you need an inclusive environment where employees from every background can truly thrive.

We partnered with LeanIn on a survey specifically designed to uncover the experience of female-identifying employees in your workplace. Do the women at your company believe promotions are fair? Are they hungry for mentorship opportunities? Do they feel safe and empowered? Dozens of companies have received backlash over the past few years about the experience that women have at their company.

In a Culture of Genius, there’s a belief that employees arrive with a certain amount of talent, and won’t develop beyond that. By contrast, organizations with a Growth Mindset expect their employees’ skills to evolve over time. Cultures of Genius have a harder time retaining employees and empowering them to improve. These attitudes also disproportionately harm people from underrepresented groups, who might face unconscious bias. But Growth Mindset is achievable with a few simple changes. This survey helps you understand what type of culture you have, so you can decide whether you need to make adjustments.

Are your employees hungry for mentorship? Are they already playing a mentorship role in some way? This survey template tells you whether your employees have mentors inside or outside the company, and whether they’re interested in fresh opportunities. Use it as a catalyst for creating your own programs, or a framework for understanding employee growth.

The perception of a pay gap can exist at any company—even those where compensation is equal. Employees who believe that they aren’t paid well relative to their peers are likely to be unhappy and unwilling to stay with the company for the long term. This survey gives you a snapshot of insight into employee contentment, and highlights any differences between various demographics.

Consumers “vote with their wallets” by buying from companies who share their values—and companies should do the same. Supporting corporate suppliers that prioritize diversity leads to a more balanced, equitable workforce. This survey helps you tells you whether or not potential vendors care about diversity, and whether those values are reflected in their demographics. Seek out and support diverse vendors wherever you can.

What if managers tailored their employee experience to that person’s unique talents and preferences, instead of simply slotting them into a role? Wharton’s Adam Grant believes that companies should do just that. This entry interview survey gives employers insight into their new hires before they even start. It helps managers understand how new hires learn, what motivates them, and what other, surprising skills they might bring to the table.

Diversity and inclusion (often referred to as D&I) are two intrinsically linked, but distinct, concepts that are the lifeblood of a positive company culture. Each helps cultivate employee engagement, reduce attrition, and empower innovation. But you can’t actively support and promote diversity and inclusion if you don’t track them. To create a truly great company culture, companies need to nurture D&I with the same deliberation as any other business priority.

Who are the humans who make up your organization? Do they feel supported? Do they feel like they can grow? Do the answers change depending on who you ask? Surveys help you turn diversity and inclusion from ideals into action.

  • 1 in 4 employees doesn’t feel like they belong at their company
  • 3 in 10 Black and Hispanic workers think that their company has a “Culture of Genius”
  • Employees at diverse companies are 70% likelier to report capturing a new market
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