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Patient satisfaction surveys

Are you seeing eye to eye with your patients? A lot of health care providers aren’t. For example, we conducted a study that showed 8 in 10 senior-level healthcare professionals believe appointments start on time, while 48% of patients said they had to wait.

Patient satisfaction surveys give you the information you need to close these gaps and improve. Use surveys to measure how people feel about the quality of medical care, the level of information they receive, and the performance of doctors and staff. Healthcare surveys can even help you identify safety issues and meet accreditation requirements.

We make it easy create and send surveys to your patients. Start with templates written by healthcare experts at CAHPS® and AHRQ®, or create custom surveys from scratch. We also offer powerful analytics and downloadable presentations that help get actionable survey results.

This CAHPS® survey asks patients for comprehensive feedback and meets standards set by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services.

Get a year-long view of patient satisfaction with this template, designed by the U.S. Dept. of Health and Human Services.

To understand how beneficiaries feel about their health plans, this survey asks them about everything from the availability of specialists to how much paperwork they do.

Get insight into every aspect of patients’ hospital visits with this expert survey from the U.S. Dept. of Health and Human Services.

Satisfaction should be the heart of any healthcare business. When you create a survey to get feedback, it helps to get a holistic view of patients’ experiences, but you also want to ask the survey questions with enough specificity that the answers are meaningful. What makes your patients happy? What you can do to make visits to your office more comfortable? And would patients recommend you to friends and family? Here are a few things to consider in your survey questionnaires:

In our study, only 3 out of 4 patients felt they had good communication with their providers. Get that number closer to 100% by following up on visits and determine patient engagement with questions about every patient touchpoint. For example, ask patients to give feedback about their interactions with staff, medical technicians, physicians, and nurses. And learn about possible improvements to waiting rooms, check-in procedures, appointment-setting, and more.

Maybe it’s time to get to know them a little better. Find out about their diet, exercise and personal habits with simple lifestyle surveys they can complete in minutes. Use quick questionnaires to find out about smoking habits, basic personal hygienediet and exercise, and even ask how satisfied they are with their health insurance or a recent hospital visit.

Get responses the way your patients prefer by sending surveys through email, making them available on your website, or using our mobile app to survey patients via tablet computer when they finish appointments. If you think your patients would respond best to a telephone poll, Precision Polling by SurveyMonkey is another great way to get survey responses.

CAHPS® patient experience of care surveys can be required by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS). CAHPS surveys meet standards set by the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) and are in the public domain, which means they are available for use without permission. CMS requires that healthcare providers use CAHPS surveys and approved survey vendors and survey modes to officially participate in its programs, such as Hospital Consumer Assessment of Healthcare Providers and Systems (HCAHPS). CMS is studying internet-based survey administration but it has not been implemented for CAHPS surveys. For more information about CAHPS survey requirements, please go to the CMS website.

You can create satisfaction surveys based on HCAHPS® & CAHPS® templates. For example, the HCAHPS® survey is the first national, standardized, publicly reported survey of patients’ perspectives of hospital care. CMS has approved the surveys below for collecting data, but to ensure you meet your accreditation requirements, please go to the CMS website shown above.

CAHPS® is a registered trademark of the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, a U.S. Government agency.

HIPAA, the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act, affects all aspects of healthcare delivery. Enacted to protect the privacy of patient data, HIPAA ensures that hospitals and other medical organizations keep their information systems and technologies compliant with these regulations. If your organization collects personal health information online, you risk fines (not to mention violating patient trust) if you don’t properly safeguard your data. We offer stringent safeguards to help you stay HIPAA-compliant if you enter a Business Associate Agreement.

The quality of the patient experience is directly related to the quality and attitude of your team. Being a member of a good, effective team also boosts job satisfaction. You’ve invested in your staff; now invite them to assess the team with a performance review survey. Use the feedback to support even greater staff and increase patient satisfaction.Or improve patient safety culture with expert templates from AHRQ®.

Surveys are a science, but we provide the expertise so you can focus on what you do best—delivering excellent care. Professional survey methodologists write our template questions, so you can use them as-is with confidence. You can also customize our example survey templates to fit your needs, or create your own, using the certified questions in our Question Bank. (At this time, most of our survey templates are in English only, although we do plan to offer them in other languages soon.)

No matter how you choose to create your patient satisfaction surveys, there are a number of best practices to follow to make sure you get the data you need. From keeping language clear and understandable to respecting respondents’ time, check out our best practices, or download our survey writing guide.

Whether they’re in a hospital setting, small medical office, or a clinic, healthcare professionals across the medical industry use surveys to collect feedback to improve business operations or conduct medical research. Check out this collection of survey templates to explore ways in which physicians, pharmacists, administrators, and medical staff can use online surveys.

Need a complete view into every facet of an event you’re planning? Whether it’s a corporate health fair or a live webinar panel, you make sure the details are in place. With meeting and event planning surveys, you can manage contacts, send invites, get real-time reports, and gather valuable speaker and event feedback.

SurveyMonkey Audience gives you access to millions of respondents ready to provide the answers you need for healthcare research and business decision-making. Get the expert opinions of physicians across a particular medical specialty. Or compare some aspect of your patients’ healthy behaviors with those of the rest of the US. SurveyMonkey Audience is seamlessly integrated with our online survey tool and features millions of profiled respondents ready to take your survey.

Stop guessing, and ask employees if they’re happy on the job. Use employee surveys to check in with employees about their satisfaction with their roles and responsibilities, the work environment, and their experiences with management. Happy employees help ensure the good health and well-being of your patients.

Ein Arzt sieht sich die Ergebnisse einer Umfrage zum Gesundheitswesen an

Hälsovårdsledare kan använda detta verktygskit för att få en bättre förståelse av patient- och medarbetarupplevelser.

Ein Mann und eine Frau sehen sich einen Artikel auf ihrem Laptop an und schreiben dabei Informationen auf Notizzettel

Effektivisera processen för patientregistrering med vår anpassningsbara, HIPAA-godkända formulärmall.

Lachender Mann mit Brille vor einem Laptop

Registrera nya kunder effektivt med vår anpassningsbara formulärmall. Kom igång idag!

Frau sieht sich Informationen auf ihrem Laptop an

Skriv in patienter effektivt med vår anpassningsbara formulärmall för patientinskrivning. Samla enkelt in medicinsk information med hjälp av SurveyMonkeys intuitiva formulärverktyg.