What did you not do in 2020?

2020 was not a normal year. We gave up a lot of things to make it harder for the new corona virus to spread. Some of the changes we made have been good for the climate.

But, how have these changes affected you?

By answering the questions in the survey "What did you not do in 2020?" you can help researchers learn how we can take on the challenge of climate change.
Who are you?
1a. How do you identify yourself?
1b. How old are you?
1c. Where do you live?
We were recommended to keep distance from each other and to wash our hands more often and more carefully to make it harder for the corona virus to spread.
2a. Did you keep distance from others outside of your own home?
2b. How did you feel about keeping your distance from others?
2c. If you would like to, please feel free to write a little more about your answer:
3a. Did you wash your hands more often and more carefully?
3b. How did you feel about washing your hands more often and more carefully?
3c. If you would like to, please feel free to write a little more about your answer:
We were also recommended to avoid places where many people get together indoors, e.g. shops, restaurants, indoor gyms, concert halls, cinemas and theatres.
4a. Did you avoid non-essential shopping?
4b. What did you do instead?
4c. How did you feel about this change?
4d. If you would like to, please feel free to write a little more about your answer:
5a. Did you avoid restaurants, cafés and bars?
5b. What did you do instead?
5c. How did you feel about this change?
5d. If you would like to, please feel free to write a little more about your answer:
6a. Did you avoid indoor gyms and other training facilities?
6b. What did you do instead?
6c. How did you feel about this change?
6d. If you would like to, please feel free to write a little more about your answer:
7a. Did you avoid going to concerts, cinemas and theatres?
7b. What did you do instead?
7c. How did you feel about this change?
7d. If you would like to, please feel free to write a little more about your answer:
We were also recommended to - whenever possible - study or work from home.
8a. Did you study or work from home?
8b. How did you feel about working or studying from home?
8c. If you would like to, please feel free to write a little more about your answer:
We were also recommended to avoid unnecessary trips, especially abroad.
9a. On average, how often did you go on holiday abroad before the pandemic?
9b. Did you avoid going on holiday abroad during the pandemic?
9c. What did you do instead?
9d. How did you feel about this change?
9e. If you would like to, please feel free to write a little more about your answer:
10a. On average, how often did you travel abroad for work or studies before the pandemic?
10b. Did you avoid trips abroad for work or study during the pandemic?
10c. What did you do instead?
10d. How did you feel about this change?
10e. If you would like to, please feel free to write a little more about your answer:
Because of the pandemic, we were not able to do a lot of things during 2020.
11a. What did you find easiest to avoid doing?
11b. What did you find hardest to avoid doing?
11c. What was the most enjoyable thing you did in 2020 which you would not had done if everything had been "like normal"?
If you would like to, please answer a couple more questions which are about the future.
12a. Is there a story that you feel should be an inspiration for a future you would like to be a part of? 
It could, for example, be a book, film, play or song. It does not need to be about the future.
12b. Please explain why you chose this specific story.
I approve that my answers are used for scientific research and for artistic purposes. I understand that I am sending in my answers voluntarily and that I cannot take back my answers after I have sent them in.  To be sure that no-one esle can see your answers, please close your web browser after you have submitted your answers. Stockholm University takes responsibility for storing submitted answers. All data will be made available for todays and future researchers. Read more about our project here.(Required.)