Apply to Join SurveyMonkey's Charity Partner Program |
Our members complete thousands of surveys every week in exchange for rewards and donations to the charities they select from our list of partner charities. Each completed survey response generates $0.50 for a member’s favorite partner charity, resulting in thousands of donations from SurveyMonkey to our charity partners each week!
We're keen on supporting great causes by adding new partner charities to our program. Most 501(c)(3) organizations are eligible. See below for more specifics on our eligibility requirements.
If you are interested in applying, please ensure that you work at the charity you are applying for, and can act as a representative for it. We don't often add charities to the program. Successful charities typically work across the United States, support historically marginalized populations and/or the environment.
- Be registered as nonprofit, charitable and tax-exempt with the requisite government authority.
- Be able to document the proper official charitable registration identifications, such as the 501(c)3 registration in the United States, or its foreign equivalent.
- Not political in its primary purpose.
- Not religious in its primary purpose.**
- Maintain a full and complete non-discrimination policy, including a policy against discrimination based on gender, gender identity, age, sexual orientation, religion, race, national origin, language and physical handicap.
Email surveymonkeytogether@surveymonkey.com