Question Title

* 1. Do you believe that all the political parties in Sweden lack competence in meeting basic needs for regulating food prices, fighting climate change problems, ending discrimination, providing security against external and internal threats, promoting social inclusion and meeting challenges from crime and reduced standards of living?

Question Title

* 2. Would you vote for a Competence Party focused on competently serving the Swedish people by providing them with a democratic, accountable and competent alternative to all the established political parties?

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* 3. Would you provide financial support for a Competence Party or volunteer to create such a political party? 

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* 4. Do you believe that Sweden's defenses have been weakened by the attempt to join NATO without having a back up plan if NATO membership was blocked so that Russia is antagonized and Sweden's only answer is to engage in military exercises and pleading with Turkey?  Do you believe that the resulting military spending increases attached to NATO escalation has constrained needed civilian investments in environment, public transportation, community development, education, job creation, health and social welfare?

Question Title

* 5. Do you believe that Sweden's policy for integration has been based on utter cynicism, i.e. let in hundreds of thousands of refugees but create no policy for economic, political and media empowerment of these groups, e.g. cross skills training, cooperative development, procurement networks, and mutual aid programs, etc., i.e. basic tools of community economic development?

Question Title

* 6. Do you believe that when it comes to the ecological crisis and the migration crisis, all the parties have been utterly incompetent in combining morality with economics, i.e. they either support ecological regulations and penalties which hurt working people (creating an opening for the right-wing parties) without supportive green options (like subsidies, income supports, taxes on the rich and taxes on polluters), or let in migrants without providing sufficient economic support, training and economic empowerment tools later on so that such persons enter marginalized positions on the labor market, enter criminal networks or become second class citizens?

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* 7. Do you believe that the political left parties and associated intellectuals have been naive about the failure of the state and that the right wing parties and associated right wing intellectuals have been naive about the failure of the market?  Do both fail to understand how the competent, democratic and efficient/productive organization and design of institutions is the real answer to social problems?

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* 8. Do you believe that the democratic accountability systems of Sweden are breaking down so that unions, media/journalists, and parliamentary representatives just service the status quo or are considerably weakened by power differentials and a power elite?

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* 9. Is Sweden suffering from an age of "diminished expectations" such that the schools, companies/businesses, government services, and educational system are mired in incompetence, poor service delivery and business plans that seem destined to fail?

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* 10. Have you been considerably screwed over or let down by one of these institutions:  PostNord, the educational system, the health delivery system, a private business or the level of discourse by Swedish politicians?