
For a complete application, all questions must have been answered. The closing date for applications is 25 September 2019 at 23.59. We will contact the applicants we call for an interview after the last application date.

Please note that no confirmation of your submitted replies will be sent by mail.

Question Title

* 1. Please give a brief analysis of the climate crisis, what is needed to counteract it and what role activism can play (max 400 words).

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* 2. The activist residence intends to build capacity and knowledge related to climate activism within Novi Ritm and among its members. Please provide a short outline of a 2-week program; which themes, topics and perspectives you would prioritize; which methods that would be used; which goals you would set for the residence; and how the effects of residence can become sustainable (max 500 words).

Question Title

* 3. Tell us about your climate activism and the expressions it has taken (max 300 words).

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* 4. Tell us about your experiences in holding workshops/lectures and working with young people (max 400 words)

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* 5. If you have any of the (non-required) merits, please elaborate on these below (max 200 words).

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* 6. Phone

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* 7. Email